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Municipal Planning Commission

The Municipal Planning Commission (MPC) in Redwateris a local governmental body responsible for making decisions on various planning and development matters within the town. The MPC plays a crucial role in guiding and overseeing the orderly development of the community. Its primary functions include:

  1. Reviewing Development Applications: The MPC assesses and makes decisions on development permit applications, that are referred to them by the Development Officer to ensure that proposed developments comply with the town's land use bylaws and other planning regulations.

  2. Interpreting Land Use Bylaws: The commission interprets and applies the town's land use bylaws to specific development proposals, ensuring consistency and fairness in decision-making.

  3. Variance Requests: The MPC reviews and decides on variance requests, which are applications for deviations from specific zoning requirements. These are considered when strict application of the bylaw would result in unnecessary hardship or when the variance would not compromise the intent of the bylaw.

Your MPC typically consists of two (2) appointed members of Council and three (3) appointed members of the public at large. This process brings diverse perspectives and expertise to the decision-making process. The commission operates under the authority granted by the Municipal Government Act of Alberta and in accordance with local bylaws and policies.